Esthetics Course Objective
To enhance and beautify the skin though facials, facial devices and technology, hair removal, makeup essentials, & skin disorders and diseases. The Esthetics course is 700 clock hours and meets the requirements of the Indiana Cosmetology/Barber State Board of Licensing and Regulation. The scheduled finish time for this course is 7 months for full-time and 10 months for part-time.
Esthetics Course Completion
Upon competition of the esthetic course requirements, the graduate will:
- Display personal integrity with self-confidence and a positive attitude.
- Display effective communication skills, visual poise, and proper grooming.
- Display effective employer-employee skills.
- Perform all skills at or above a basic level.
- Apply learned theory, technical information, and related matter to assure sound judgments and procedures. To continue to grow as an Esthetician, the graduate should continue to learn new and current information related to skills, trends, and methods for career enhancement in cosmetology and related fields.
Instruction Methods
Specific tasks necessary for state board preparation and entry-level job skills are taught in sequential steps. Clinic equipment, implements and products are comparable to those used in the industry. Each student receives instruction related to performing useful, creative, and productive career-oriented activities. Education methods used include lecture, demonstration, textbook study, hands-on practice, audio-visuals, guest speakers, projects, and activities.
Full-time and Part-time Student Academic Progress (i.e., evaluation on theory, practical and clinical works (however, clinical work is graded on a pass/fail basis only and will not be considered as part of the overall GPA) will be evaluated during the same time periods as stated above in the “Attendance Progress Evaluation”. Each student is expected to achieve a minimum grade point average of 75%.
Grading System
A = Excellent (91-100)
B = Good (81- 90)
C = Average (70 -80)
F = Failing (Below 70)
W = Withdraw Probation
Students who meet only one of the evaluation requirements attendance or academic, will be considered to be making satisfactory progress but shall be placed in a probationary status for a maximum of two (2) times. In order to be taken off of probationary status, a student must achieve a 75% rate of attendance and/or academics. If a student is placed on a second, consecutive probation, the student will be determined as not making satisfactory progress and will be considered for dismissal.
TEXTBOOKS: Milady’s Standard Esthetics 12th Edition
Milady’s Standard Foundations
Esthetics: Fundamentals Topics
1.Career Opportunities and History of Esthetics
2.Anatomy & Physiology
3.Physiology and Histology of the Skin
4.Disorders and Diseases of the Skin
5.Skin Analysis
6.Skin Care Products: Chemistry, Ingredients, and Selection
7.The Treatment Room
8.Facial Treatments
9.Facial Massage
10.Facial Devices and Technology
11.Hair Removal
12.Makeup Essentials
13.Advanced Topics and Treatments
Foundations Topics
1.Life Skills
2.Professional Image
3.Communicating for Success
4.The Healthy Professional
5.Infection Control
6.Chemistry and Chemical Safety
7.Electricity and Electrical Safety
8.Career Planning
9.On the Job
10.The Beauty Business
Physiology/Histology 60 Hours
Bacteriology/Sterilization/Sanitation 35 Hours
Machinery 50 Hours
Introduction to Skin Care 45 Hours
Skin Care 155 Hours
Makeup and Essentials 55 Hours
Chemistry and Chemical Safety 40 Hours
Hair Removal 70 Hours
Introduction to advance Spa Techniques 25 Hours
Professionalism 20 Hours
Safety Precautions 20 Hours
Salesmanship/Management 45 Hours
State Laws and Statutes 10 Hours
Discretionary Hours70 Hours
Full-Time Students Esthetician
700 Hours = 24 Weeks = 6 months
Part-Time Student Esthetician
700 Hours = 40 Weeks = 10 months