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What is WorkOne and

WorkOne Northwest Indiana is considered a valuable one-stop when it comes to career and employment resources.

If you’re a jobseeker, exploring job and career opportunities can be stressful. Whether it’s looking for a job, making a career change, your interview skills, resume and cover letter assistance, WorkOne Northwest Indiana is here to help!

Here's the best part, they WANT you to enjoy the career you pick. So, they will help pay for your career training! That's right, qualifying applicants can receive over $5,000 towards their tuition, plus equipment costs!

Best part about it, this is not a loan. All they ask is that you complete your program. Your success is their reward. So, why wait?
Let's see how you can qualify!

Work One Qualifications

Part-Time Employment

If you work part-time or make under their required amount, guess what? You can qualify!

Single Parents

Sometimes it's hard for a single parent to start a new career and raise a child. WorkOne wants to help. So, if you're a single parent, you can qualify!

Government Assistance

WorkOne understands that life can get tough and thats nothing to be ashamed of. They want to help you achieve something greater. So, applicants that receive any type of public assistance (i.e. Snap, TANF, Disability, Section 8/Housing Assistance, Medicaid, etc.) you can also qualify!

Just turned 18?
Guess what, you can qualify too! WorkOne isn't just for adults, but teenagers 18 and up can qualify with their own income. And, you can even start enrolling early! You can visit WorkOne as early as 16 years old and they can help guide you on your career journey!

Signing Up

I know what you're wondering,
"Well, this is great, but how do I get enrolled with WorkOne and Beauty school?"
Well it's not a short process but it's actually not hard.
  • First, you'll need to locate your local WorkOne Office. They have Offices all over the region. You can go right on Google and type in "WorkOne" and your nearest office will pop right up. 

  • Next, you'll want to either call and schedule an appointment to see someone about IN-Training/WorkForce training. Or you can go up to your local office (within business hours) and talk to someone right away as well. Whichever route you choose, they are going to tell you the next steps to enrolling with WorkOne. (An academic evaluation may be required for some applicants. This does not count against you, it just helps your advisor know where you're at so they can monitor your progress).

  • Ready to signup for school? Well, when they tell you they need an acceptance letter, that's when you apply at KMISB. From there, we will take you through our admissions process and see if KMISB is right for you. If so, you'll receive an acceptance letter and a start date! If not, that's okay. WorkOne is there to help you find what's right for you. 

  • If you received your acceptance letter, great! Take it back to WorkOne and Finish your process. Keep in touch with your advisor. It takes roughly 2-3 weeks (this time can vary) to get your full approval and for the school to receive your voucher. Keep checking your emails and don't worry. A vast majority of applicants are accepted.

WorkOne and KMISB are here to help. If you have any further questions, contact your local WorkOne office or send us an email at

You can also visit WorkOne's website by clicking the button below.

Good Luck! We look forward to seeing you in 

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